Me: Can you put Happy Birthday Nena on here, N E N A.
Her: Oh sure no problem.
I guess it doesn't matter I will always have to spell my name to people. :)
This is a picture of the Coolest Megan's!!! Our good friend Megan got baptized today and of course the kids went swimming while the adults visited. Always a good time........
So my day didn't start out that great, I was rinsing my contacts and one of my contacts broke :( boo who boo who. Yes I did cry, a lot!!!! So I am having to wear my sister Megan's glasses, why her glasses and not mine? Well mine don't work, I picked them out all by myself 10 years ago when my eyes were dilated. I don't recommend ever doing that. Megan's eyes are almost as bad as mine so they kind of work. I haven't worn glasses for a long time so it is very weird for me.
I have had a headache all day and I am going to have to wear glasses for a while until I can make it to the eye doctors. And to top off all my excitement I don't have insurance, ugh!!!!!
But I did take my girls to the fireworks at Aliante Stations. They were really worried that I couldn't see to drive. I kept telling them I was fine to see. I guess it is good to have kids that are so worried about me. They had fun trying to take pictures of the fireworks. We got a couple good ones. Hopefully Tate had fun in Utah watching fireworks without me.
Lol!! Before I read what you wrote, I was looking at the cake thinking, that's not how you spell her name! If it makes you feel better, I have to spell my name for people all the time too, which is kinda lame, it's not that hard.
We went to see the fireworks at Aliante Station too!! we took a picnic to the Dino Park and let the boys play till it got dark, then sat and watched the fireworks, it was a good show! The boys thought it was great!! :)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Looks like you had LOTS of fun! Sorry about the contacts! :)
I guess your bakery lady needs a hearing aid. Aren't they suppose to write what you want on the cake down on an order form or something?
Ouch on the contacts breaking. I hate that. Are you still wearing gas perms? Get some soft ones you will love them.
Looks like you guys are having a great summer! Some day I want to come down and see your house.....
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