The best part about living in Vegas is that we can swim earlier in the year! So of course Sadie had a swim party with her friends the Saturday before her Birthday.
Then we went out to eat at Mimi's Cafe. Sadie loves to eat and will try most things, she isn't too picky of an eater. She had the ribs and mashed potatoes.
So Coleman's birthday is on June 1st and this year since the kids were on track break from school we decided to go see our cousins. Sadie and Coleman were lucky to share a birthday this year. We went to Coleman's Grandparents house and the kids swam and had a BBQ and cake and ice cream.
Then on Sadie's actual birthday Aunt Amy made her famous pancakes for Sadie!
Sadie got a big bouquet of balloons from her dad and a toypedo for the pool, nail polish and jewelery from Amy and her kids, and new clothes from mom.
And here is my little princess, we took the kids to the Thanksgiving point children's garden to let them play. Sadie said this was the best day ever!!! Love you Sadie!
Ok so after the kids played in the water then we walked through the gardens and of course we have a bunch of goofs and they love having their pictures taken. They were all really cute! The boys thought it was cool to take their shirts off, can you say blackmail pictures!!!!!
We even made it up to see the other cousins! They all get along so well and are all so cute. It was a fun trip to Utah and a fun birthday for Sadie!
It was good to see you guys!! Looks like Sadie had a great birthday.
Cute pictures...except I'm not to sure about that last one. Did I comb my hair that day???:):):) June birthday's are the best!!!!!
Happy Birthday Sadie. I can't believe how much she has grown up.
That looks like a great birthday! Did Sadie leave me any cake! Happy Birthday Sweets!
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