Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Disneyland during Track Break!!!

The kids had track break and I know they always are wanting to do something fun, so we decided to go to Disneyland!!!! I was so glad that Tate was tall enough to ride everything in Disneyland except the Indiana Jones ride. We went on Space Mountain first which is my favorite ride there. Tate made me laugh, he sat in the seat with such a serious face that I wasn't sure what he was thinking. So the ride started and he still kept that stone cold look on his face and pretty soon I couldn't see him anymore. When we finally came out of the ride he still had that same look on his face. I asked him if he had fun and he said "That was AWESOME!" and put both hands in the air!!!! It made me laugh:)

We went to Disney World a couple years ago and the whole time we were there all Tate wanted to see was Mickey Mouse. And wouldn't you know it we never saw him once. So Tate was really excited to see Mickey at Disneyland!

This is on the Teacup ride!!

Tate was a little nervous to go on the Haunted Mansion ride, the girls of course had no fear of anything!!!! We also went on the Hollywood Tower of Terror and I wish I would have gotten a picture of the kids on that one. Sadie absolutely loves that ride. She remembered it from Disney World and was so excited to go on it again. Kennedy is tough would have gone over and over if we would let her. Tate did cry after that one. I told him it was like the frog hopper ride at Circus Circus adventure dome, hehe. I think I tramatized him!!!!!

Sadie came and got the camera because she wanted to have her picture taken in this. I think Sadie would pose with anything, that girl loves her picture taken!!!!

And here is Mater and Lightning!! Tate is a big fan so this picture was a must. Kennedy was off on the Big Roller Coaster in California Adventure so she missed out on this picture. She loved the Roller Coaster so I don't think she cared.


Melissa said...

What a fun way to spend track break! Glad you all had a good time! maybe one day I'll get my act together enough to take my kids to Disney.....

Kati said...

I'm glad it was fun. I can't wait 'til our track break so we can go. I haven't been there since I was 8 or 9 and I think Josh and I are more excited than the boys!

Kim Pedersen said...

How fun! I LOVE Disneyland! Its nice that you are so close!

Kristen said...

I can't believe Tate went on those rollercoaster rides. Mattison and Isabel are still afraid. How fun for you guys.

Amber said...

I haven't been to Disneyland for almost 10 years! I love that place! I'm hoping to take AJ when he gets older. I just wanted to let you know that we are going private on April 6th and I wanted to get your email to add you to our list.

Mel & Annette said...

Glad you had a great time. Family vacations are the best!