Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Butterfly Park

So we went to the Butterfly Park with the kids
a couple weeks ago, it was actually Ashley's birthday
and so we made her come with us. We also had
my friends daughter Sarah with us. It was a little
windy but that never stops the kids from having a good

I think this is my least favorite part of the park,
but of course the kids love it!! For some reason
the kids would rather slide down the slope on their
buts instead of going down the slides. This is a really
good way to put holes in shorts!


Kristen said...

I love the Butterfly park. Looks like you had a lot of fun.

Mel & Annette said...

Fun pictures. Hope you guys are doing well xoxoxox

Katie said...

That looks like so much fun! You'll have to tell me where it is! Alex is all about ruining his clothes out of spite!

The Donigans said...

Hey friend! I have the same blog layout. Great minds think alike!

Meli said...

Ohh- the fun of sliding on your butt--usually there is some cardboard laying around to make it go even faster! Fun Fun!!